Inspiration and ideas for wall decorations

You have many prints, photos, and items you would like to hang on your walls, but you are still unsure about the composition. Perhaps, you are afraid it will look too cluttered or that you won't like the final result.

Below, you’ll find the best tips so that you can choose the option you like best and use it as inspiration. Give your home a cool twist with these murals:

A solo painting to capture everyone’s attention

Your favourite photo printed in large format, a Canva world map or a work of art representing you is enough to decorate every space. Give presence and prominence to your choice by placing it at the entrance or on top of furniture.

Aligned and symmetrical paintings to create visual harmony

Opt for this solution if you have two pictures of the same size, characterized by a similar theme or palette, and frames of the same colour. In short, if they have something in common. Place them above a piece of furniture or a sofa, always bearing in mind the two-thirds rule.

A world map as a headboard to dream of your next destination

A world map triptych is ideal for waking up to the desire to set off to discover the planet, and go to bed dreaming of memories of the most incredible adventures. Find out here how to hang three pictures together.

Misaligned pictures to fill more wall space

Different sized frames to randomly arrange on the wall while always maintaining symmetry and proportion between them. The staircase wall is the perfect place for a mosaic-style composition.

Compositions: perfect for different sized frames

Create your own wall gallery. Use a big central frame, and hang smaller ones of various sizes around it. Position them with an imaginary line in the centre to respect the visual aesthetics. Here are some templates to help you create super compositions and make the task easier.

Create a collage by matching different objects

Hats, mirrors or wicker elements are aesthetic resources that add value to your walls. Use them together with frames and photos of different sizes to create a collage. Take a look at these ideas.

Wall shelf, the cool alternative to avoid holes

The perfect solution for frequently changing your decoration and composition. One creative way of doing this is by superimposing one or more frames. Try it out, you won't regret it!

Pictures on the floor: a Nordic decoration trend

If you don't want or can't drill holes, here is a practical and interesting way to decorate empty walls with pictures. First, place a large frame on a wall, preferably near a plant. Then, complete the composition with other small elements next to it.

Paintings and frames leaning around the house

A low cabinet in the living room is ideal for placing a picture by leaving it leaning against the wall. If you are looking for an original composition, opt for a horizontal and a vertical frame. Complete the makeover by adding a lamp, a plant, or other decorative elements.

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