Passing on the magic of world maps from a very early age enhances children’s growth at different levels and in many ways. The best part? Your child can learn with maps by simply colouring them and filling them with recycled materials while having fun during the process.
World Map Colouring For Kids
Why a map colouring?
A region, country or world map re powerful tools that give children the opportunity to grow up with a better understanding of geographical distribution, which enhances their curiosity, eagerness to learn, discover and broadens their minds.
If you stop and think about it, what better way than a colourable world map? Maps help children learn about territorial distribution, ranging from the largest continents to the smallest towns and cities.
It is a learning experience that will be useful throughout their whole life apart from obtaining excellent marks in geography and general knowledge.It would be regrettable indeed to have to travel without knowing anything about geography, climate, or the culture of the place you’ll visit.
Fortunately, there are all kinds of maps to help them from an early age. However, some might seem tedious and difficult for a child to understand, so we have made ours more playful by including the possibility to colour them in.

We can provide you with a world map for kids, a colourable world map with names of countries, states, and provinces or a simple world map to colour presenting fewer difficulties.
To intrigue them and plant the seed of curiosity is our primary goal. It is an incredibly effective method that helps the learning process and familiarization with the world’s territorial and marine borders. Plus, it’s nothing new. Colourable illustrations and drawings have been benefiting the growth of the youngest generations for decades. Speaking of colours, find out why Seville has a unique colour.

The benefits of colouring a map
Developping abstract thinking
A study by Pennsylvania State University in the USA in collaboration with other universities shows that colouring is an excellent activity for developing abstract thinking and executive function.
Colouring stimulates the left central hemisphere, the area associated with logical thinking. By colouring a map of the world, children create a mental representation of the earth, the first step in understanding it, while developing abstract thinking and action skills.
Improving motor skills
Improving concentration
Enhancing learning
As they colour, a blank world map stimulates their interest in geography, their understanding of the world they live in and its different cultures, and encourages them to explore independently.
They take an active role in the learning process; they interact directly with the map, making it easier to absorb knowledge while using different colours, shapes, and names.
Stimulating creativity
The distribution of colours on children's world map requires creativity. They'll be thinking about what colours to use for different continents, countries, or even seas and rivers.
At the same time, they will be imagining and relating hundreds of things they have seen and heard in school to the parts or areas of the map. What better way to stimulate curiosity and creativity than with a beautiful map to decorate your study or room?Techniques to enhance learning with maps
Not all children are the same, so different maps and strategies are needed.
If a child does not like drawing a map of the world without names, or gets bored, we can give them other options. We always try to keep the youngest in the family interested and curious.
Some of our maps include the colouring world map with oceans and continents; the physical world map (with different colours for heights and depths); the world map of major rivers; the world map of animals.
They are available in black and white, in our world map gallery by clicking here.
To stimulate the child's creativity and interest, we need to be creative and look for ways to entertain them while they learn.
Cognitive games and activities with a world map
· Introduce map skills through imaginative games.
· Play "find the treasure" games with maps.
· Find Mickey's house and other fan favourites on the world map.
· Create the map of your neighbourhood or backyard.
· Puzzle the map.
· Trace an adventure trail.
· Build a model (3-D map) of our city out of scrap materials.
And the list goes on. All you have to do is find the right map for you.Other inspirational models such as a scratch map or cork map do not limit children to strictly colouring.
This way, they can decorate the maps and stimulate other areas of the brain that go hand in hand with creativity. They will also find all kinds of world maps to decorate any room.
Maps are part of human history.
Without them, we probably would have never advanced this far. It is important to keep them active within our culture and development.
If children can benefit from the process, what are you waiting for your beloved child to begin exploring the world?